IV hydration comes in many forms and can be used to treat a variety of conditions including:
Migraine Therapy - Mixture of electrolytes, vitamins, corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory medications into a cocktail to help relieve symptoms.
Weight Loss Support Therapy - Mixture of vitamins and amino acids that aid in shedding those pounds.
Mental Wellness Therapy - Mixture of important amino acids and organic compounds that aid in brain and neurological function.
Energizer Bunny Therapy - Mixture of B complex, and essential amino acids.
Immune Defense Therapy - Mixture of B complex vitamins, glutathione, NAD+, biotin and essential minerals needed to boost your immune system, which can assist with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Lyme Disease.
Anti-Aging Therapy - Mixture of vitamins and B complex vitamins that play a vital role in cell rejuvenation.
Hydration Therapy - Replenish the mixture of important minerals, electrolytes and vitamins that are lost due to dehydration or excessive perspiration caused by environmental factors.
Recharge Therapy - Mixture of vitamins, minerals with addition of anti-emetic to recharge what was lost during a hangover.
Competition and Recovery plus Therapy - Mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, B complex vitamins, electrolytes and other important factors that are lost during intense workouts and/or competitive sporting.
Myer’s Cocktail plus Therapy - Mixture of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in treating a range of conditions. This micronutrient cocktail was introduced by the late John Myers M.D.
We're here to help!
We’re a no-judgment zone, so feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns.